
Claire Elliott

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on April 22, 2008 at 2:58:22 pm

1. Introduction


I started my placement with the Register of Support Providers Northern Ireland on Friday 1st June 2007. The Register, located at the University of Ulster Jordanstown, provides one to one personal support to disabled students studying Higher Education courses at any of the colleges or universities in Northern Ireland, including long distance and e-learning courses.


My placement has involved assisting in the development and maintenance of a comprehensive database system and a creative, interactive website. I have developed and administered on-line questionaires to be used to survey those who use the Register of Support Providers and designed various paper based media for the company . I have also assisted in the delivery of training for Support Providers at training evenings and contributed with general office administration.


I consider my placement not only as a learning experience in industry but a stepping stone in my own personal development. In this report I will evaluate my time spent at the Register over this past year, including company structures, the role I played within the company, training received and the various skill I have developed as a result of my placement.

1.1 History and Development of The Register of Support Providers



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