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Chris Hamilton

Page history last edited by Chris Hamilton 16 years, 5 months ago



1.      Introduction 


I began my placement with Keeble N.I. Ltd on Monday 2nd July 2007.  Keeble N.I. is a small company based in Dunmurry, just outside Belfast.  The job title which I was given was “Web Designer & Assistant Systems Engineer.” 


This role has involved many different tasks ranging from website & graphic design to involving the redesign of the company’s own personal website.  I also worked on MS Access database design and programming using Visual Basic script within label printing software Bartender v8.01.



1.1         History and Development of Keeble N.I. Ltd 


Keeble N.I. Ltd was formed over 30 years ago which has led to their involvement in the identification and marking industry.  They then moved into the print industry around 20 years ago.


The company currently offers a wide variety of consumables to their customers.  These include custom-made labels, customer’s specific sizes and printing services available as an in-house bureau job or customers printing in their own premises.  Design and printing is also available for business cards using the latest technologies.


Keeble N.I. Ltd also creates bespoke software packages to suit certain needs of the customer.  They offer software packages which enables users to print their own labels, using Thermal Transfer Label Printers. 


Keeble N.I. Ltd offers their services to a wide variety of industries these include Heavy Engineering, Food, Healthcare, Hospitals.  Companies which Keeble N.I. provides a service to include Coca Cola Bottlers, F.G. Wilson’s, NHS, Dale Farm and Translink. 


1.2         Organisational Structure & Working Environment 


The organisational structure for Keeble N.I. is not very big or complex.  It consists of four main departments – Finance, Sales & Administration, Production and Engineering. 


Finance & Accounts – This department is responsible for the accounts of the company, i.e. sending out invoices to customers and making payments to suppliers.


Sales & Administration This department is involved in the paperwork end of the business.  They are responsible for the assembling of orders and ensuring that they go out on the date specified.  The sales department are also involved in the process of finding new customers for Keeble N.I. Ltd.  They are also responsible for the selling of consumables to their customers. 


Production – This department is responsible for the making of custom-sized labels for their customers.  They ensure the labels are made to a high standard and are made to suit the needs of the customer.


Engineering – The engineering department is responsible for the repair of printers that Keeble N.I. sells.  He is also responsible for the installation of software, into customer’s premises.  The Systems Engineer is also responsible with the writing of Visual Basic script within the Bartender program.


Comments (1)

Karen said

at 1:47 pm on May 7, 2008

This is a good start Chris, well done k

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